Smart City
Drainage Monitoring
Taiwan’s tropical torrential rain or heavy downpour occurs frequently and often generates a large amount of runoff in a short period of time. The normal drainage system cannot drain away in time which results in inundations and causes property damages.
AnaSystem’s Cloud-based monitoring system can automatically transfer aggregated measures to the cloud platform, Senslink, using the smart data logger, SensMini A4. It can monitor drainage and surface runoff in real time continuously. Combined with the rainfall forecast and early warning model, the system is able to continuously analyze and provide online advice according to the measures collected. The results can be transferred to a control center for decision making to reduce and prevent disasters promptly.
Water level sensor, water flow sensor, rain gauge, etc

Urban Flood Radar Water Level Gauge
The safety radar is not affected by pole space interference.
Can be closer to poles to avoid being damaged by vehicle collisions.
Can be paired with time-lapse cameras for convenient site condition monitoring.
Can connect to water sensing sensors for double verification.
Can be paired with solar panels to avoid frequent battery changes.
Smart Column for Measuring Water Levels
Mobile deployment to keep track of regional water levels at any time
With time-lapse photography for easy observation of the site environment
With GPS to keep track of deployment status at any time
Voice and light warning functions for real-time notifications

Application Achievements
Various county and city governments