Data Acquisition & Cloud Computing Platform – Senslink
Product name
Senslink, a real-time data acquisition platform with cloud computing, service and storage, has been developed and deployed under Windows .NET environment by Anasystem, Taiwan. Any device that supports a web browser can communicate with Senslink from desktop computers, laptops, tablets or smart phones. A user can inquire tracked data, display statuses, and retrieve reports or analyzed results. The platform enables a user to instantly view all real-time, recorded measures online, and it supports multiple users to simultaneously view, share and use the data remotely to achieve real-time data sharing and common usages towards a similar purpose or target. Senslink also provides users to monitor data and control or manage alerts from hand-held devices or computers over wireless/wired networking infrastructure. If the tracked data are out of specified ranges, the platform will immediately issues alerts via SMS (Short Message Service), voice messages, or e-mails to notify designated personnel who can initiate emergency tasks and prevent
As an integrated real-time monitoring platform, Senslink and SensMini M4 jointly can provide automatic online data collection, aggregation, digitized conversion, secured wireless and wired transmission, analyses and alerts generation, as well as storage capabilities effectively and efficiently. The facility can adapt to customers’ requirements easily. Therefore, customers do not need to establish the complex information technology manpower or telemetry service infrastructure. In other words, customers can reduce maintenance cost by utilizing the Anasystem real-time monitoring platform in the cloud and assembling the requirements of their applications.
The Senslink platform is the best choice for environmental parameters monitoring or surveillance. It also provides automated management and early warming capabilities.
Please log onto Senslink website for free trials:
(username: demo, password: anademo)
Map – Instant Monitoring & Geography Information Display
- Quick display the data table of updated and integrated information from monitoring stations.
- Integration of Google maps to mark the locations of monitoring stations.
- Display geography information of all monitoring stations within governed area.
Instant Display Board
- User-defined display to show updated status or data of selected monitoring site.
- User-defined table format and sorting method.
- Easy switching between different displays for multiple monitoring.
- Automatic updates of monitoring information by user-defined frequency.
Active Alert
- Eye-catching pop-up window to show the warning or system event.
Flexible Query
- Raw data checking for convenient onsite record inspection.
- Providing various methods for data query.
- Providing various statistical analysis with outputs in EXCEL files, tables or graphs.
- Dynamic webpage design for user convenience and flexibility.
- Zoom-in function in graphs for detailed information and display.
Taylor-made Alarming
- User-defined upper and lower bounds of monitored variables.
- User-defined reset value or no-alarm period to prevent unnecessary alarms.
- Alarming notice through Email or SMS.
- User-defined alarming method, alarm receivers or alarming area.
- Three level alarms which can inform different level of in-charge persons.
- Complete alarm records for further review.
Mesh Group Sharing Data
- Create different groups and share data with each other.
- Set different permission level.
Advance Fomula Calculation
- Provide complex fomula calculation for monitoring variables.
- Mix calculation with different monitoring group variables.
Easy Data Sharing and Live Monitoring
Invite or request data sharing with a click. Use mobile phone or tablet to monitor sensor values anytime.
Online Graphing Tools
Provide time series visualization and graphing tools to display data immediately on the Web.
Real Time Alerts
Set alert value to monitoring items and send alerts by SMS and Email automatically.
Open Data API
Provide restful web service API to exchange data.
Senslink rental service
Please contact sales for more information.
Purchase Senslink Cloud software license
Senslink can be installed in company specificed server. Please contact sales for more information.
Customized Senslink software
Senslink software can be customized by needs. Please contact sales for more information.